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Pubudu Jayawardana

Pubudu Jayawardana

Cloud Engineer | AWS Community Builder | Public Speaker


SQS encryption options
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AWS Serverless SQS Encryption
SQS supports both in-transit and server side encryption. For serverside encryption, you can from SSE-SQS or SSE-KMS. What exactly is suitable for you depends on your requirement. In this blog, I focus on how to choose the correct SSE method for cross account access.
Dead Letter Queue (DLQ) for AWS Step Functions
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AWS Serverless Step Functions SQS DLQ
Step Functions - one of the main Serverless services offered by AWS for workflow orchestration - does not support dead letter queues natively. This is how we can work around to use DLQ with Step Functions.
Design a mission critical serverless application for high resilience
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AWS Serverless Resilience
EBE is one of the mission critical Serverless applications at PostNL. We are maintaining the highest resilience possible to ensure business continuity. This blog explains the steps we took to achive high resilience.
Call external APIs with OAuth within Step Functions
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AWS Serverless Step Functions EventBridge EventBridge Connection
This blog post shows how we can call external HTTPS endpoint within Step Function execution using new native HTTPS integration.
3 ways to catch all the events going through the EventBridge Event Bus
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AWS Serverless EventBridge
This blog post shows how we can implement 3 different rules that can be used to implement catch-all functionality for a EventBridge event bus.
Implement custom retry logic with SQS & Lambda - Part II - using EventBridge Scheduler
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AWS Serverless Lambda EventBridge Scheduler
This explains a way to implement custom retry logic with EventBridge Scheduler and Lambda.
Implement custom retry logic with SQS & Lambda - Part I - using SQS delayed messages
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AWS Serverless Lambda SQS
This explains a way to implement custom retry logic with SQS and Lambda.
Amazon EventBridge - How to manage Bus to Bus recursive message passing
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AWS Serverless EventBridge
Let’s discuss how to address recursive messages passing between two EventBridge buses.
Testing AWS Lambda Recursive Loop Detection
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AWS Serverless Lambda Recursion
This explains the new Lambda recursive loop detection and how to test this new feature.